December 2021 Prayer Letter
December 14, 2021

Luke 2:10
Dear Family and Friends,
Greetings to you from Peru. As we enter the last month of the year, I would like to first and foremost thank God for His faithfulness over these past 12 months. We are thankful and grateful for all your prayers and generous financial support.
As recorded in the last newsletter, the two week long workshops of engine repair was a huge success. We praise God that all our expectations were not only met but greatly surpassed. The future goal will be to facilitate two of these workshops in 2022.
The theme for the ministerial teaching part of the conference was Living out Acts 2:42 in a practical manner. And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayers. The objectives of the program were to teach the principles of Acts 2:42 to the leadership of the participating Indigenous people groups. They came from churches deep in the Amazon Rain Forrest. We were also teaching the local Peruvians who live along the rivers and tributaries around San Lorenzo. The lessons were both basic and practical, equipping pastors and church leaders with teaching methods to use in their home churches.
The conference hosted approximately 35 Pastors and 17 leaders. Their wives and children were also in attendance. What a blessing to have been able to manage that number of people. Ed Brauer, Nose (both from Calvary Chapel Philadelphia) and Alex (a fellow Peruvian missionary from Iquitos) were the three teachers. We also had two translators and a third translator on the last couple of days translating Spanish to Kondoshi. The content of the conference was enthusiastically received. A major highlight of the event was when we served communion. It was a new experience for most of the attendees. We were all overwhelmed with their reverence for the Lord. As we watched them take communion, we were humbled and amazed how the Holy Spirit was so present.
Nose reached out to the children one afternoon and taught them a song. How sweet the sound as they were learning the words and singing together.
The food served was simple and exactly what they like…Fish and bananas.
Unfortunately the building project to replace the tin roof was not completed on time. We had to purchase several tarps to cover the sleeping quarters. All things considered, the entire event was highly successful and very productive. The Lord blessed our gathering and our teaching. In turn, we were blessed to be servants of the Lord.
We started the return boat trip back to Iquitos at 6am Saturday morning October 30. The first 6 hours on the river went smoothly. Then, about mid-day the motor broke down. The lower drive shaft had been hit and seriously damaged by floating debris. We felt the presence of the enemy wanting to discourage us. BUT ALL GLORY TO GOD. By God’s mercy and grace, we broke down near a town. A passing boat came and gave us a tow to town! (River Angel?) The engine part, although not available at the moment, would be delivered later in the day. Hallelujah! So we waited! While we waited, there was a kind woman (Food Angel?) who made us lunch and dinner! After dinner, we had a time of Worship and Praise! One of the men in our group spoke with the woman about Jesus. PRAISE THE LORD. She was very willing to say the sinner’s prayer and accept Christ as her Savior. The part was arrived and the engine was repaired. We were able to leave 2am Sunday to finish our trip back to Iquitos. We finally arrived safe and sound at 1pm. Ed and Nose then left Monday afternoon for their return flight to the U.S. OUR GOD IS SO GOOD!
If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
1Peter 4:11
Thank You Taigan Webb (daughter of Dustin Webb, our missionary friend) for creating this awesome video
Please pray the Lord will give us refreshment and guidance as we all debrief.
I pray that all my friends and family will have a very Merry Christmas and a safe and healthy New Year.