July 2023 Prayer Letter

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July 2023 Prayer Letter

July 20, 2023

This is the day the Lord has made, Let us be glad and rejoice in it.
Psalm 118:24

My dear brothers and sisters,

What a privilege and honor it is to serve the Lord! I am both humbled and amazed by the Lord’s provisions. Daily, I have witnessed the faithfulness of our heavenly Father.  Our God is so good!!
For I know that as you pray for me and as the Spirit of Jesus Christ helps me, this will turn out for my preservation (for spiritual health and welfare of my own soul) and avail toward the saving work of the Gospel. Philippians 1:19 AMPC

Recently, I have witnessed prayers answered. My health has been very good. I can say I have been richly blessed and spiritually filled. I realized that I now know what it means to “rest in Him”.  I have experienced both peace of mind and peace in my heart. PRAISE GOD! 

The following is a brief account of my work since the May newsletter:

*My close friend and fellow missionary, David Mahon was recently gifted a car. This is an enormous benefit and blessing to his family. The car was given by a friend leaving the mission field in Peru. Dave and I were able to meet in Lima, to pick up the car, and drive to the coastal city of Turjillo, where Dave now serves.  I greatly miss my dear friend, so it was a joy-filled time for me, helping with driving and visiting with the family. All too soon, I needed to fly home to Iquitos.
*Due to circumstances beyond my control, Julio and I were unable to oversee the work of the water tower project. Consequently, it will not be completed until the end of July. I was able to travel to San Lorenzo three weeks ago to supervise the final details of the project. As you can see in the picture below, a lot has been accomplished. The plumbing is finished and the water is flowing. Tile in the shower and bathrooms are expected to be finished soon!!

*Friday July 21, I will travel to Estrecho for two weeks. I expect to visit and preach at the four evangelical churches there, giving them the power of God’s word and my heart felt encouragement.

*The plans for the fall Pastors Conference and Baptism are well under way. We are anxiously looking forward to October 23-27 for the Bible teaching program. The theme for this conference is “Imitating the Good Shepherd”.  We expect to have four visiting speakers this year. They will be teaching the attending Peruvian pastors in order to be well-equipped men of God.  The practical life skills workshops are scheduled for October 16-20. There will be two sewing instructors along with three mechanical instructors for the workshops.

*GOOD NEWS! A new door has opened. I have been in contact with a missionary couple who are interested in translating indigenous languages for the audio Bibles. PRAISE GOD!

*Tentative plans, are in the works for my visit to the US on August 24-September 19.
As I set out on this journey, please pray for the Lord’s protection and guidance. To keep me safe from harm, illness and accidents. Pray for strength and courage to face any challenges that may come my way during this trip. Pray for wisdom and discernment to make good decisions. Pray that all my documentation is approved.

Be assured that your support, love and prayers for this ministry will be used to reach the indigenous lost.

Thank you for partnering with Avivamiento Amazonica S.A. (Renewal in the Amazon)

As the Lord leads, pray with us…

*Pray~for funding for the Davar (audio) devices (If interested please note on your giving form)
*Pray~ for the need of a new boat and outboard motor to travel the rivers to improve travel transportation for missionary groups and river visitations. approx. cost $10,000 PRAISE 1/2 of the cost has come in.
*Pray~for the finances to be provided for the conference in October (If the Lord leads you to a Love Offering for the conference, please note on your giving form)
*Pray~for the indigenous peoples I shepherd, that they may clearly hear the Word of the Lord.
~Ways to Partner with the Lord’s work in Peru~

Short term mission trip

Prayer support
Financial support