September 2021 Prayer Letter
September 8, 2021

Dear Family and Friends,
Thank you for taking the time to pray for our upcoming ministerial and educational conference in October. Your love and support for this ministry is always greatly appreciated.
So much has happened over the last few weeks. I am praising the Lord for answered prayer such as obtaining a flight from San Lorenzo to Iquitos. This saved me from the 18 hour boat ride. My back was very happy.
Our Team’s faith is strong and we are committed to coordinating and presenting a successful conference. Julio César of MEPI, along with Mauro and Wachapa are among the eighty pastors expected to attend. They will also bring their wives and families. So, you can imagine it’s quite an event. Three indigenous groups so far will be represented. Julio has been busy handing out many invitations to other indigenous groups that include the Achuar and Awajún. As we continue to finalize plans, we changed the date of the one week ministerial program to October 25 through 29. The three week work shop for small engines remains as planned to start October 3 through 23. We pray that Ed Brauer and Nose (a Haitian evangelist) both from Calvary Chapel Philadelphia will be able to teach at the conference. Please pray for the Lord’s confirmation.
Here’s a funny story about one of our boats which we realized was missing from its storage place. One day some of my colleagues from MEPI were traveling the river and noticed a boat stuck in some reeds behind a house. Fortunately, they recognized that it was Avivamiento Amazonica ‘s boat and were able to bring the boat back to the compound to where it was being stored. Praise the Lord. Anyway this was one of the boats that must be sold in order to purchase a larger, more useful boat. We really need prayers for a quick sale soon.
The main conference building where the lodging is held at Mission Compound in San Lorenzo has collapsed completely. We will need to rebuild this before the conference start date, October 1. The building measures 22′ X 110′. It will need new footers, a concrete floor and a tin roof. It will still have the open concept. There are three groups that will help support this project: Amazon Outreach, MEPI and Avivamiento Amazonica. Pray that God will provide the funds and the time needed to get this accomplished. Construction is currently underway.
After my R&R time in the U.S.A. it has been rewarding to return to my work in Peru. I was able to visit Estrecho and reconnect with many dear friends I have not seen in eight months. I met with Pastor Enrique and the other pastors to encourage them in their work. We spent four days together which was very much needed and very fruitful. Continue to pray for Pastor Enrique and his wife to be able to attend the conference. The cost is $250 for their round trip transportation.
Cost of Conference: $12,000
- 50 contemporary Bibles in Spanish
- Fuel costs for transportation needs to and from the conference by local Indigenous groups
- Food costs for all conference attendees 300-500 people
- Cooks and two translators
- Transportation and lodging expenses for the three conference speakers
Cost of Construction Project: $7500
The Jesus Film will be sent to us in Spanish and also Kondoshi. Ron Rushton, one of our board directors has been busy working this out. Jamie from Lima (who works on translating the bible into different languages) has also made it possible to send the Jesus Film to us in four other indigenous people’s languages. Ron could possibly have 15-20 more Davar audio bibles in one other indigenous language. If you remember we handed these out before in Spanish to local lead pastors (pictured above). What a great impact this will have on people hearing God speak in their own language.

~Ways to Partner with the Lord’s work in Peru~