March 2018 Prayer Letter
March 13, 2018
And God will supply your every need according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19
Dear Friends and Family,
All is well! We had a great trip up the Tapiche River traveling 150 miles, a good 2 full days of travel, to another small town called Requena, and many small villages. We, my missionary friend and I, spent 4 nights teaching and held 4 classes each day. I taught a detailed teaching on the Lord’s prayer, along with gifts of the spirit. We are willing to help and fill the void that has been dead for so long. The leaders need encouragement and are very appreciative that the Lord is sending us out to them, they are excited and I see life coming from our visits. I am giving God the glory for all the connections that we are making.
I’ve been in recovery from a fall, where I hurt my back (again) with a bruised rib and muscle, the doc here has given me shots to relax my muscle spasms, therefore giving me down time to do more studying. Also, had some dental work done. BUT GOD, I am joyful even through these adversaries.
I am thankful for the good fellowship that I have with other missionaries, which we get together once a month. There is a lot going on in one day, but I am getting things accomplished.
Update on the literature:
Received prices for Bible dictionaries, commentaries, and study Bibles which can be shipped to me from a local Bible college. I estimate 21 books in all.
I will leave again next week for 3 weeks. We are heading back to San Lorenzo Maranon River.
The Lord has blessed me with an AC unit for my room and
all my dental work is completed!
I am asking prayer for:
- Direction for leadership
- That the leaders will be renewed and revitalized
- For leaders to hear and listen for God’s voice
- Safe travels for next trip
- Pray that the Lord will provide funds for books for leaders
- Restful sleep to do God’s work, new mattress needed
- Be sensitive to the Lord’s leading
- Continue to pray for my health
Some Pictures
Heading up river.

If you want to
see more pictures: CLICK HERE
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Adios for now,
Your Brother in Christ,