August 2019 Prayer Letter (1st)
August 1, 2019
Dear Friends and Family,
Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you,
2 Thessalonians 3:1
Thank you so much for your prayers over the past few months in preparation for the Pastor’s Conference August 22-26. God has been very good putting all details together. I am at peace and thankful for my healed health and His provisions.
I can’t believe the Conference is just a a few short weeks away. The translating of the teaching texts is almost complete. I expect to finish sometime this week. Iv’e been seeking the Lord’s guidance and wisdom for translations that will be understood by our listeners. Your prayers are appreciated. One Cargo boat will be loaded and headed to San Lorenzo with final supplies later this week.
Please pray that this conference will be a good model for future events. There is a need for a better way to organize and structure these events that will provide growth and wisdom for the pastors and leaders attending.
God has brought together a fantastic team that will be an encouragement for both pastors and leaders. Please pray for traveling mercies, protection, safety throughout the trip and how the Lord will use them.
Pray that God will stir the hearts in those leaders and pastors who are to attend the conference. Pray that HE will touch each heart of those attending and bring much fruit. As the canvasing continues up river pray for the leading of the Holy Spirit. Pray for the families that will be traveling with each leader or pastor, that they will be drawn by the Holy Spirit. As always, pray for the advancement of the gospel message!!!
We are thankful that so many of you allow God to use you through your giving and prayer support.
In His service,
Ways to Partner with the Lord’s work in Peru