December 2019 Prayer Letter
December 9, 2019
Dear friends and family,
I will praise the name of God with song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving.
Psalms 69:30
It has been awhile since my last letter. During that time I have thought about my friends and supporters at home often. I pray that everyone enjoyed a Happy Thanksgiving. This month marks two years that I have been in Peru. There is so much to be thankful for. I thank Him everyday for my continued good health. I’m thankful for the way the Lord is blessing this ministry with the necessary, monthly, monetary support. I praise God for the way he provided for the Pastors Conference. It was a huge blessing to have 150 attendees participating in the conference and for all those who were baptized. Many Bibles were handed out along with DAVAR Audio Bibles, which were uploaded with lessons by Chuck Smith. They are making a big impact on the people here. I am also thrilled and thankful that there is a new telecommunications service in San Lorenzo. Now, will actually have access to the internet and be able to make phone calls. Praise the Lord for technology!! I am also truly thankful, grateful and blessed to enjoy the loving, and supportive fellowship with other missionaries I have met while serving here.
My plans for the next two months are coming together. In preparation for the next Pastors Conference and also another event in March 2020, I will be traveling to Estrecho in December for two weeks and then off to Lima for two weeks. In January 2020 I will also travel to San Lorenzo. All these trips will help establish the groundwork for these upcoming events. I have already begun to plan for the March 2020 event. The dates are March 9-14, 2020. We will be going up the River Pastaza visiting and meeting with the Kandoshi people. Ron Rushton will be coming from Pennsylvania. We are able to accommodate one more male to accompany Ron. We pray someone will be intrigued by this invitation and ask the Lord’s guidance for a decision to participate. We will need to know ASAP.
The projected cost to facilitate this event is $5,500.
What are the DAVAR Audio Bibles you ask?
Last April 2019 during the Missions Conference at Calvary Chapel Philadelphia, Team Clif (the members of my home team) had the opportunity to talk with Jamie Schultz from DAVAR Partners concerning some Solar Powered Audio Devices that were available. It was discussed that these devices could be distributed at the August 2019 Pastors Conference in San Lorenzo, Peru. Usually these Audio Devices are loaded with audio files of individuals reading through the Bible in its entirety in a variety of different languages. They are passed out in cities and villages around the world where bibles and electricity are scarce.
We thought this would be a good opportunity to bless the people who would be attending the Pastors Conference in Peru. The audio files would be in Spanish.
First however, we contacted the organization that has all of Chuck Smith’s teachings verse by verse through the New Testament IN SPANISH. They gladly sent us all the audio files of teaching verse by verse, from Matthew through Revelation. Each audio file is approximately 30 minutes. The DAVAR technicians added the new files of Chuck Smith’s teachings to the Audio Bibles of the entire Bible being read aloud. The content is simple, clear, and biblically correct teaching on every verse in the New Testament.
We took 14 of these audio devices to the conference.
WOW! What an impact these made on people from both the indigenous Indian tribes and local brothers and sisters in numerous small churches in and around San Lorenzo. They asked for more! An additional 100 Audio Bibles would be welcomed.
So dear friends, this is just one of our ministry’s current challenges. How to get 100 Audio Bibles passed out into all these isolated areas where there is little or no good, biblical teaching of the Word.
In addition to the Chuck Smith teachings in Spanish through the New Testament, we are adding some Old Testament Books of the Bible and are looking for some Calvary Chapel Pastor’s teaching in Spanish on: basic doctrine, biblical family responsibilities and proper biblical leadership principles. Imagine adding all of that to the audio devices and then passing those out to the people in remote villages in the Peruvian jungles! God’s Word coming alive!
So, the trip that is planned for March 2020 to San Lorenzo and beyond will truly bless many churches with these Audio Bibles
and the messages from God’s Word. There are 9 indigenous Indian groups that have been reached over the years in the San Lorenzo area of Peru. They seriously lack teachers. In addition to those Indian groups, there are numerous poor, local, national churches in and around San Lorenzo that lack good bible teaching.
So pray for this effort. That the Lord will be most glorified beyond anything we could ever have imagined. And that Christians would be strengthened, blessed and drawn closer to the Lord.
Romans 10:17 tells us, So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
The dates for the Pastors Conference are August 7-8-9. Ron and Pastor Mark are planning to arrive early to prepare, attend and follow-up/debrief the conference program between August 3 through 12. There is room for two more individuals to join us. Please contact me for the details about the trip. The projected cost to facilitate the August 2020 conference is $10,000. Last year’s cost was $7,300.
I covet your prayers: Pray the Lord will:
Provide for the needs of those attending the events and protect their journeys to the site.
Continue to grant good health that I may be able to serve these people with His help!
Praise that the DAVAR Audio Bibles are available for the ministry, and already paid for by the DAVAR Partners.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise!
Give thanks to him; bless his name!
Psalms 100:4
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,
Ways to Partner with the Lord’s work in Peru~
Prayer support
Financial support
Join us next in 2020 in the field