December 2023 Prayer Letter
December 16, 2023
Dear friends and family,
Following my short visit to the USA August 24-September 19, I returned to San Lorenzo energized to finalize the plans for the Pastor’s Conference in October entitled “Well Equipped Men of God”. Although I was excited and ready to bring together another successful training program of Indigenous pastors, leaders, and their families, I was oblivious to spiritual warfare I was about to come up against. I really felt stretched to the limit with the numerous preparations because there was no one to help me. Furthermore, there were significant disputes among tribes due to a serious incident. Many tribal peoples were afraid to travel the river to get to the conference. The decreased number of attendees resulted in the cancellation of the workshops. And, this was just the beginning of the challenges.
For more details on this challenge: CLICK HERE
The teaching program had just begun, when Pete Emery (one of the teachers) from Calvary Chapel Central Bucks began to feel ill. When his symptoms were proving serious, it was decided he should return home immediately for medical attention. He was accompanied by Ed Brauer another teacher from CCPhilly. There goes the teaching staff!! BUT, God was with us! He made a way for Pete to get home safely to the University of Pennsylvania Hospital after a flight was delayed impacting a connecting flight! Praise God!
And God was with the the 17 pastors, the 15 leaders, their wives and children. Hearing the words taught about the characteristics of a good Shepard and responsibilities of a pastor according to God’s Holy Word. With God’s grace the conference proceeded forward.
Update on the water tower project: The general agreement among the attendees was they all loved the new showers and the four functional toilets. The people were also very pleased with the sleeping accommodations!!

Our boat is being built for the ministry. The boat will be kept in San Lorenzo for travel to visit the various small villages. Shopping for the outboard motor now, with the hope to have motor and boat by end of December! Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
This is what the boat will look like when completed! Avivamiento Amazonica colors will be blue and white! Can’t wait! It will be a great asset for the ministry.
Update on the Edifying Units:
Ed and John were able to produce 40 solar powered audio Bibles, now called Edifying Units translated into : Awajún, Quechua de Napo, Achúar, Shwi. Fifty pieces were brought into Peru in October when Pete and Ed came from the States to the conference. Unfortunately they were not handed out due to the low attendance.
As we move forward into 2024, I thank you for your continued love and support! Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Your friend in Christ,
Be assured that your support, love and prayers for this ministry will be used to reach the indigenous lost. We pray that you will be blessed by helping us reach so many of the lost, indigenous people of Peruvian Amazon Region. Thank you for partnering with Avivamiento Amazonica S.A. (Renewal in the Amazon)
~Ways to Partner with the Lord’s work in Peru~
Short term mission trip
Prayer support
Financial support